Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gymnastics Party!

Ruby's good friend Aurora had her third birthday party at the gymnastics studio. What a great idea!

There was lots of free play, a few organized games and of course, lunch and cake. As always, Ruby's favorite was the trampoline. But she also loved dancing with twirling ribbons, hanging from bars, climbing up the alphabet rock wall and freestyle dancing. Ruby also had fun playing with her other friends Cora and Niko there.

The kids had a heated discussion about who would lick frosting from the Dora, Boots and Diego figures on top of the cake. It was decided (among Ruby, Aurora and Niko, unknown to the adults) that they would take turns, and they in fact did trade among themselves, taking turns licking the three little dolls.

I finally caught on towards the end and stopped it. However I was very impressed with the cooperation.

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