Saturday, June 20, 2009

Heidi's Birthday and Father's Day

We went out to an early, very nice dinner which was a real treat for everyone. Ruby preferred daddy's cilantro cod fish over her buttered noodles. (She even selected it instead of her latest favorite - cheese.) And she loved the crusty bread.

In the afternoon we took her on the antique merry-go-round, also in Tilden. She absolutely loved it.

More of Heidi's Birthday and Father's Day

We took Ruby on the Tilden Park steam train which is an authentic miniature replica and has beautiful views of the Berkeley hills. Also included were little boys dressed in train conductor hats (sold there) yelling "all aboard!"

Finally Eating Veggies (as pasta sauce)

The nanny suggested making sauce using the old veggie purees that she lost interest in. It worked! And its good!

And she started clapping too!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Niko's first birthday

Its happening. All the babies are turning one.

Ruby is the only baby who kept her party hat on. It really complemented her outfit.

The Cheerios were more interesting than the cupcakes. That will change.

She Scoots Backwards!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


The zoo turns out to be a great place to picnic with other baby friends (Niko and Katie). The turtles were the highlight this particular time.

Frozen Yogurt, Mmmm

These were taken the day Ruby turned 10 months old. She had a rough time at the doctor getting blood drawn for a lead and cbc test. So I caved in on waiting until 1 year for sweets and shared some frozen yogurt with her. So the day ended up on a good note.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Aurora's First Birthday!

Oh my goodness, here come a whole bunch of 1-year birthdays. I can't believe our babies are turning 1 already! Ruby is not quite mobile yet (at almost 10 months in these pictures), but Aurora and Niko are crawling, walking and dancing. What a difference a few months makes at this age.

There is also one gratuitous close up of Ruby accompanying her mommy to get an iphone. Woo Hoo! I couldn't resist.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Stroller Naps

The stroller is still the best place of all to nap. Ruby takes at least one nap per day in it. The Ergo carrier is also very good.

Sleepy Eater

Ruby flatly refused to take her morning nap, insisting on playing instead, all the way up until lunch. Then she conked out right in the middle of eating a cheese bagel. She was still taking bites and chewing with her eyes closed. I turned the camera on just at the end.