Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Setting the Butterflies Free

A few days after all four of the butterflies were born out of their cocoons we took them outside in the backyard to see if they would fly away.  Ruby opened their habitat and showed them how to flutter their wings. She sang a "time to come out" song and watched as three of them fluttered up and away. (I will try to upload a video of this.)

Lucy, the fourth one, was the last to be born by several days so she may not have been ready to fly yet. She just did not want to get off her banana slice no matter how much we encouraged her. 
We took Lucy back inside and gave her a few more comfortable days in Ruby's room to snack on sugar water, orange and banana slices and to dry her wings. She stayed on her banana and ate it by unrolling her long proboscis tongue, which works like a straw. Lucy the butterfly became very special to Ruby since she stayed so long in Ruby's room. 

Every day we took Lucy out and unzipped her cage. 
Finally, on a nice sunny day, she got very excited. She flopped around as soon as we took the cage into the sun. Then she flew away to join the rest of her friends.

The next day Ruby saw some white butterflies at daycare and asked them if they knew her butterflies. Ruby also showed pictures of the whole caterpillar-to-butterfly process to her friends at daycare. Everyone was impressed!

We were very lucky with this process. Another mother told me that when she released her butterflies, a bird flew by and ate them.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Caterpillars to Butterflies!

Ruby has been caring patiently for the caterpillars in the "caterpillar to butterfly" kit Grandpa Marvin and Grandma Linda gave to her. The caterpillars were very tiny when they first arrived! They ate and ate, and grew fast. We were excited to see them hang from the top in the "J" shape, and prepare to form their chrysalises.

When they turned into chrysalises, we moved them into the butterfly container and waited. Yesterday three butterflies were born! (The red stuff is meconium, which comes out of the cocoon when the butterfly is born.) There is one more still in a cocoon. What an amazing transformation to witness!

Ruby fed the butterflies slices of banana and orange, and used a dropper to put drops of sugar water next to their feet. (They have taste buds on their feet.) She even tasted some of the sugar water we mixed and decided that she likes the same food butterflies eat!

Although Ruby would like to keep these beautiful pets forever, she understands that they will need to fly outside. So a few days after the last one is born we will be setting them free in the back yard. Hopefully they will like our purple flowers enough to stay around.

I will try to post two videos. One is of Ruby naming the butterflies (Charlo, Farlo, Lucy and Kucy). The other is of Ruby pretending to be a butterfly coming out of her chrysalis.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Time to plant tomatoes again!

(Ruby has been wearing her DJ Lance outfit. You might remember it from halloween. )