Friday, January 20, 2012

Fun With Friends

Ruby has been enjoying playdates with her friends. Here are some pictures from a zoo trip with Ava and also riding around our block with Niko.

Ruby absolutely loves to show how fast she can go on her new trike. She takes her friends to see goats and chickens at the house down the street.

At the zoo, the frogs have been her favorite lately. The Oakland zoo has very nice indoor frog enclosures.

If they had ladybugs, we would be there every day. Ruby always has an eye out for them when we're outside.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hanukah with the family

We flew to southern California to have Hanukah and Christmas with grandma Gloria, (in Ontario), grandma Linda and papa Marvin (in Carlsbad), Amos, Thuy and baby Spencer, and Eve, David, Zoe, Elliot and Ian (in LA).

It was so nice to see everyone! Ruby played very well with everyone, especially with cousin Zoe. She loved to be in her big girl room. Cousin Zoe even let Ruby share her new set of colorful beads.

Ian's loose tooth was pretty fascinating.

We sang the prayers and lit hanukah candles all eight nights. Ruby really got the hang of it.

We walked the dogs with grandma Gloria, played in leaves and picked oranges.

At Amos' house Ruby felt very relieved to discover that there would not be an elephant in the white elephant gift game.

At Eve's house we had a big Christmas, which was a first for Ruby Paul and Heidi. We had breakfast all together while everyone opened presents. The funniest gift was "Handerpants", underpants for hands,(running gloves). The funniest sign was on Zoe's bedroom door. It said "ELLIOT NOT ALLOWED!" The sign on Elliot and Ian's door had been edited. It was just a happy holidays message.

When we returned home we had an extra night of hanukah so we could see our neighbors and Ruby's friend Aaron. He is older (8 years old) but we always enjoy seeing he and his family. Aaron and Ruby share a deep love of cats. And today they also liked playing the marble game together.