Thursday, August 5, 2010


Ruby is delightfully playful lately. She always wants to play games and joke around.

Even shampoos have become tolerable for her, as long as "hand" gets super soapy and sings her a song that way.

The other day just before putting her to bed I told her (as I usually do) that I love her very much. This time she turned to me and said
"Sing it, mommy".

By the way, in the peekaboo video you can see Ruby's big booboo on her nose and forehead. She got that today falling into a cement step while playing at the park, wouldn't you know it, right before her birthday party this weekend. Poor sweetie-pie.

Thankfully the park we were playing in has an office with ice packs and a distracting fish tank and mouse terrarium.

She recovered nicely after lunch, treats and a long nap.

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