Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ruby's SSOs

I thought you would like to meet Ruby's SSOs (Significant Stuffed Others).

Here are Mordi cat (given to us by our neighbors who actually have black and white cats named Mordi and Wolfie who Ruby plays with), Kitty (the orange striped cat who she has slept with since she was about 4 months old), Eebie, spiderlady and a new comer, Puppy, the little brown fluff ball in front. If any of these were to go missing, we would be in trouble.

She also has a very special toy doggie (Rooney doggie) and another orange striped kitty who stay in her cubby at daycare. They are necessary over there for naps.

She is holding Auggie's soccer ball which she had to return. Soccer balls have been a big fascination for her. We are trying to get her to kick them but so far she just wants to treat them like dolls. She likes to take them for walks in the toy stroller.

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