Sunday, September 26, 2010

Painting in the Tub

Ruby has been standing in the tub since a few weeks ago when she became afraid of water. Her 2-year old fears are emerging. She is very brave and cooperative to even put her feet in. So we let her stand and bought some new tub toys. By the end of each bath she ends up sitting, or at least squatting. Mommy has learned to accept the compromise since all other options seem to involve much unhappiness. As long as she gets clean...

The "paint" soap is a great toy. Ruby actually asked to get into the tub today to paint with it. That is a great development.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Belated 2nd birthday party at Grandma Linda and Grandpa Marvin's

These are from Labor Day weekend. We had a family get together graciously hosted at Marvin and Linda's house. Birthday cake, swimming, BBQ, presents for Ruby, the works! Thanks to everyone who was there for making this great get together happen!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pee Pee in the Potty!

Two short videos of Ruby's big announcement.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

L' Shanna Tova


We met friends in San Francisco for a potluck Rosh Ha Shanna in Dolores Park. It was cold and windy of course, but beautiful. We had chicken, kugel and several 6 year olds taking turns blowing the shofar.

(Check out the video posted here of a boy named Zohar taking his turn.)

Ruby was so excited to get hula hoop as a party favor. Excellent toy!

We ended up staying an hour after everyone else left. Ruby just wanted to keep playing in the grass with the hoop. So fun!

Happy Rosh Ha Shanna!

p.s. Ruby LOVES apple-honey cake!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A few more Tahoe pictures

One afternoon we went to a children's museum in Truckee, to escape the sun. Ruby really got into painting in the art room.