Thursday, April 30, 2009

Still Life With Ruby

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Holiday Excitement!

This year we had Passover just us, and then a huge Easter BBQ in the park with the Southern California family, complete with birthday cupcakes for Heidi's mom and nephew Ian (4yrs).

Food, food, food!

Spinach and squash, yes! Broccoli, no! Carrots, yes! Corn, yes! Black beans alone, no! But black bean-sweet potato-breastmilk, yes! Apple and pear sauce are favorites. And the new one on the "yes" list is "guaca-momma" which is avocado-banana-breastmilk. I heard that recipe from another mom at the swings. Yum!

Then its naptime after lunch.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Brush Your Hair, Brush Your Friends

After bathing and brushing her hair, Ruby likes to brush her toys too. It keeps them shiny.


This year marked the shortest Seder on record for us. We read the summary from one of Ruby's books. She was pretty tired so we made it quick. However she loved playing with the plastic Seder plate.

Thursday, April 2, 2009